May 31Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

love this! will you ship to Europe 😆

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May 31Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

IT'S HERE! *adds to cart* so excited for this, Michelle -- congrats! they are incredible, can't wait to put some ink on it 🖊️🖊️

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May 31Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz


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May 31Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

Couldn't order fast enough!!

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May 31Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

yayyyy just got mine 🙏🏼 I’m so excited!

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Yippee!!!! I hope you love it 🤍 thank you for your support!

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Aug 20Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz


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Jun 3Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

Congrats Michelle, it looks amazingggg. I was going to buy one but the shipping to the EU is wild wild wild. Then I had a flash that I could send it to my Canada adress but... still 60$ to send! *head explodes* obvi this not your fault, I'm just very jealous of everyone else who got one rn. Crossing my fingers that some kind of magic happens for intl shipping. <3

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Thank you angel! I know the shipping is really tough and initially we didn’t even offer international shipping because it is so pricey, and we want to make these really affordable and accessible transcendent products.

Inside baseball moment: We’re working with our 3PL to try and get the shipping prices down and negotiate better rates — part of the problem is that the pad is “oversized” and has to ship flat, so ends up being 2’x3.5’. The other thing is that we’re just small and new right now which makes it harder to negotiate better shipping rates (and even makes producing product more expensive because we’re not printing like 20k notepads at a time) but as we sell more and ship more we have leverage to get a lower rates!

If we can place larger orders from our manufacturers, we could even ideally absorb most of the shipping rate costs for our customers because we could get a better wholesale rate on our products.

So that’s my focus right now, working on all those variables to bring shipping rates down across the board. Thank you so much for your support and for bearing with us as we figure it out 🤍

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Forever and always in support of your endeavors! Oversized is what makes it special, but special is of course harder to ship. I totally understand. Will covet from a far until you have so much success (and I have no doubtttt you will) that companies are begging you to ship with them and the tiniest prices!! <3 hearts and hugs from barcelona

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Jun 2Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

Immediately ordered!!! ✨🕊️🫶❤️🙏

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love this idea!

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Jun 1Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

wait. i love this

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Jun 1Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz


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I WAS SEARCHING TOO!!! Made this for us baby!

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May 31Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

Congrats Michelle 👏🏼 Just ordered mine! I can't wait to take a photo (and maybe food style with it) 🥰 xo Carla

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I can’t wait to see that!!!

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If shipping to Australia wasn’t $98, I would be all over this!

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We’re working on it! ❤️❤️❤️

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Here from the Laid Off Substack!

Love this concept, I find my notebooks are full of cramped writing and I never go back to look at all the stuff I have Circled or Starred.

Would be pumped to unleash my brain on one of these bad boys! I am building a sparkling water brand and my ideas for growth feel infinite.

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You had me at "the answer to our wanna-be-a-bujo-girlie-but-will-never-be-a-bujo-girlie paper prayers."

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Can you print/ ship in the UK? What a great idea!

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Working on it as we speak!

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May 31Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

Oh brilliant!

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Good news — we locked in international shipping! Should work for you now :)

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Jun 1Liked by Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

Oh it's £50 shipping cost. Would have loved to have supported you but it's not within my budget to pay that much for shipping. Will ask a friend next visiting to bring one back for us. xx

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Oh great heading over…

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